i dinosauri di Al Bano (Al Bano’s dinosaurs)
Al Bano’s Dinosaurs (original title: I dinosauri di Al Bano) (08 min, HD, 2023)
Even if no human has ever seen a dinosaur, everyone knows what they looked like.
Invested in archival research, Al Bano’s Dinosaurs (original title: I dinosauri di Al Bano) is a playful exploration of dinosaur representation. How do humans represent the animals that they were never able to experience? Juxtaposing images of dinosaurs found in books, magazines and other commercial products, the film creates a vocabulary of dinosaur images. Through animation, differences and similarities in the depiction of dinosaurs emerge in a way that can only be afforded through the film apparatus. The quick succession of still images creates a redundancy that allows the viewer to grasp the constructed and hyper-realistic dimension of dinosaur representation.
On exhibit in public art locations for the duration of the month of:
March 2024: Canyon Flats Video Wall, Arts & Culture Commission and the Public Art Committee, City of Reno, NV
August 2024: Alleyscapes, Sculpture Walk Springfield in partnership with the Hatch Foundation, Springfield, MO